Rhino To The Rescue!
Floor Covering Removal
Floor Prep Work
Concrete Staining and Polishing
Our process polishes concrete to a high shine using no waxes or coatings, as a result your floor will deliver years of virtually maintenance free beauty. The surface is so hard that it outlasts vinyl tile, epoxy, and urethane coatings, resulting in substantial savings over the life of the floor.
And yes, we can dye the floor. We have a broad pallet of colors to choose from. Polished concrete is certified by the National Floor Safety Institute as a “High Traction Floor”.

Floor Covering Removal
We do floor covering removal and shot blasting, specializing in hard to remove surfaces. We are able to remove carpet, ceramic tile, wood, VCT, sheet vinyl and linoleum, sports floors, rubber gym floors, even epoxy coatings. Located in Oklahoma City , we do work throughout the Southwest and Midwest.
We have the ability to remove flooring from any large job whether it be commercial, industrial or residential. Our specialized riding equipment can typically reduce the time of your floor preparation and floor covering removal by 50 to 80%. This means significantly less time to completion of any construction or remodel job, which translates to efficiency and savings.
If you’ve ever had new flooring material installed and had to replace it while the adhesive was still fresh you know how demanding, both physically, emotionally, and time wise it can be to stay on schedule. We are able to take off, quickly and with little physical effort, both the floor covering and mastic so the mechanic reinstalling the materials is not fighting the residual adhesive. Flooring Contractors, General Contractors, and Business owners agree that everybody WINS when Rhino Floor Prep is brought in for your floor covering removal needs.
Watch Our Floor Removal Machine In Action:
Shot Blasting
We are also able to offer blast cleaning using Blastracs shot blast systems. This is a one step method of removing paint, coatings, adhesives, dirt and other contaminates – while protecting the environment by storing dust and debris – simultaneously giving the surface a new profile. The floor is left clean and dry immediately ready for application of coatings or overlays.

Rhino uses this specialized equipment to clean and profile concrete surfaces. The blasting process uses steel shot to mechanically clean and resurface the concrete. We use a mostly dust free process that is safe for any environment.
Diamond Grinding
Our diamond grinders are ideal for concrete preparation and cleaning, leveling, and removal of mastics, epoxies, urethane, paint, coatings and old adhesives from old floor coverings.
In addition, it cleans and removes dirt, grease and scuff marks from terrazzo or natural stone.
Reach Us
Questions? Fire away! We’d love to hear from you. Just reach out to us here:
Edmond, OK
(405) 641-9264